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Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Solutions (iRPA)

Services & SolutionsDigital Solution OfferingsIntelligent Robotic Process Automation Solutions(iRPA)

Intelligent Robotic Process Automation Solutions (iRPA)

  • What is iPRA

    • Automation to mimic human activity.
    • To process large number of transactions ad rule-based or logic based activities
    • Online Contract Generation Portal
  • Capability

    • Reduction in time to complete the tasks on hand
    • 100% accurate, secure and provides greater control
    • Can also handle judgemental complex tasks
  • How Does it Work?

    • Works on existing IT applications and systems (excel, SAP, e-mail, word, O365, etc.)
    • Require no/ minimum IT intervention to automate front-end-process
    • Relatively faster turnaround time to robotize
  • Extensibility

    • Agnostic of business functions
    • Can be integrated with Cognitive and Machine Learning capabilities to handle decision making.
    • End-to-end process coverage to deliver more business value.

Benefits of Robotic Process Automation

Improved Quality & Controls

  • Increase process compliance and auditability.
  • Strengthening of controls
  • Increases consistency with standardized process

Process Improvements

  • Improves decision making
  • Ensures process adherence
  • Eliminates duplicates/ maker-checker roles in a process

Improved Productivity

  • Increased speed of operation
  • Increased throughput
  • Ease of scale-up/ down as per business volumes

Improved Customer Service

  • Increases process uptime window, improves TAT
  • Continuation of business operation in human lock-down situation, 24*7 operation.

Higher Job Satisfaction

  • 100% accuracy and process adherence in complex calculations, provides peace of mind

Reduction in Cost

  • Reduces operating costs
  • Minimizes recruitment & training cost
  • Cheaper than ERP automations

TML Business Services Ltd wins Customer Excellence Award 2021 for iRPA

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