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HR and Admin Solutions Offerings

Services & SolutionsDigital Solution OfferingsHR and Admin Solution Offerings

HR and Admin Solutions Offerings

Our HR and Admin Solutions offer end-to-end recruitment services to our clients with the aid of advanced technology, to analyse a candidate profile and ensure that the best are selected.

We also offer on boarding services along with pay role, employee attendance management system and facial recognition. From career management involving matching employee skills with jobs, we employee helpdesk services, advanced training modules, Exit Management Services and Trust Fund Operation Management are offered as well.

recruitment services

Recruitment Services

TMLBSL can manage end-to-end recruitment services for its clients including Talent Pool Creation, CV shortlisting, interviews and selections, appointment letter generation, pre on-boarding engagement and background verification (through outsourcing model).

Technology Enablers
  • Talent Community BOT
  • CV Shortlisting BOT
  • Interview BOT through designated Recruitment SPOC
  • Pre On-boarding BOT

On-Boarding Services

TMLBSL's new hire and on boarding bot manages end-to-end On-boarding Services for its clients. This includes - on-boarding in HR systems, Employee ID Generation; Asset Allocation; Seat Allocation (if required) and well as Induction Management.

Technology Enablers
  • RPA solutions (on-boarding and employee ID Creation)
  • HRMS platform (if required)
  • QR based ID cards
  • Induction Management BOT

Attendance and payroll management services

TMLBSL can carry out end-to-end Attendance and Payroll Management Services which includes Attendance Recording, Payslip Generation and Distribution, Attendance Regularization / Leave Submission, Pay Slip and Form 16 Distribution; Income tax computation; PF, Pension details computation.

Technology Enablers
  • Facial recognition attendance system
  • Employee BOT
    • Payslip distribution,
    • Form 16 distribution
    • Income tax / PF details visibility
    • Leave application and management

Career Management

End-to-end career management services by TML BSL deals with identifying career aspirations, matching skill sets and suggesting hot jobs, identifying skill gaps and suggesting recommended learning.

Technology Enablers
  • Career BOT
    • Identify skill and map with IJP requirement to suggest recommended jobs to employees
    • Identify skill gap and learning requirements for candidate to apply for a job
    • Enable candidates to apply for a job by uploading latest CV

Employee Helpdesk Services

TMLBSL handles end-to-end employee service request submission, medical claim submission, employee suggestion management (if required), performance / benefits letter generation and distribution, master data management and personal data management.

Technology Enablers
  • Employee BOT
    • General queries,
    • Policy queries
    • Performance letter distribution
    • Personal data updation
    • Proof of investment submission
  • RPA solution + employee BOT for medical submission and MDM

HR & Admin Services

TMLBSL manages aspects of Work Culture Management, compliance to COVID 19 guidelines for office environments, facility complaint management services, travel / transport management, canteen management and employee engagement.

Technology Enablers
  • Work life balance BOT
  • BookMySeat BOT
  • Canteen Management
  • PPE Kit Detection (Includes mask, gloves, PPE kit)
  • Travel Management portal
  • Employee Travel through Employee BOT
  • Employee Sentiment Analysis and Feedback
  • Facility Complaint Register Portal and BOT

Learning and Development Services (both online and offline)

TMLBSL can help organisations with Learning and Development Services that includes skill mapping, skill gap identification, mapping skill based training needs to employees, E-learning module creation, training module upload in LMS, assignment of training to employees, maintaining training calendar, feedback collection, training completion certification distribution.

Technology Enablers
  • LMS platform (if required)
  • Self-service skill mapping BOT
  • Training Refresher BOT
  • On demand L&D BOT
  • Training Module dissemination through BOT (through web links)
  • Express Training modules ( available through BOT)
  • Learning via Gamification through BOT
  • CIRO assessment through BOT
  • Talent Community BOT for a training faculty

Exit Management Services

TMLBSL helps organisations with exit management services that includes clearance status communication, Full and Final Settlement (FFS) calculation communication, post separation query management, conducting exit interview (if required) and also offers outplacement services (during layoffs).

Technology Enablers
  • Exit Management BOT
    • Clearance system triggers
    • Addressing queries on Full and Final Settlement
    • Addressing Post separation queries
    • Exit interview through BOT (if required)

Trust Fund Operation Management

TMLBSL can manage Trust Fund Operations that includes PF Settlement, PF Loan (refundable/non-refundable) & part withdrawal, superannuation fund settlement; pension settlement; monthly ECR filing, and Transfer out/ Transfer in PF.

Technology Enablers
  • Portal management
  • Query management through employee BOT
  • Post separation query / Helpdesk BOT

Recruitment Services Solutions

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Engagement Services

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Contactless Recognition System

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BookMySeat Solution

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